personal computing

I replicate personal computing configurations between devices. A current technology used is syncthing. When I get a new device I install it; note: I don’t use the Android client, as I don’t have Android devices that meet my personal computing standards.

I use Gnome and Flatpak, so I install syncthing from Flathub.

flatpak install flathub me.kozec.syncthingtk

I currently have four synced directories:

  • docs (~/docs) - my primary workspace; as projects finish I move them out of docs into an archive, keeping this a relatively lean amount of space.
  • sync (~/.sync) - currently syncs my KeePassXC vault, but separate for other, crucial files.
  • task (~/.task) - my taskwarrior files. I use syncthing rather than taskserver, since I only work on a single computer at a time, so I don’t get merge errors or anything. Occasionally I switch before syncing (I have it “watch” the directory, so syncing normally happens in near real-time), and the biggest issue I have is sometimes creating multiple versions of a recurring task template (one on both machines).
  • music (~/music) - syncs music from the archive to whichever machine I’m actively using. Considered syncing to phone for this purpose. Works well with my conversion to opus.
  • .dotfiles (~/.dotfiles) - configuration files. This was added to the sync roster as part of this exercise, because it makes a lot of sense of me. :slight_smile: