Pulitzer Prize Winner Jericho Brown's "Invention" (poems and analysis)

judy’s side notes on transcribing this document.

poetry and indentation in markdown and html

i web searched “spaces in markdown” and found formatting - How to add empty spaces into MD markdown readme on GitHub? - Stack Overflow which taught me about   and  .

then i used view source to see what poetry foundation did. it was a bunch of non-breaking spaces (   ).

html source:

screenshot of the webpage as rendered in brave (chromium) on my windows pc today:

so i copy-and-pasted the sequence of non-breaking spaces and put them in to the lines where appropriate. it’s interesting that they didn’t come through in the original copy-paste, but most of the other formatting did (like the poems being part of a blockquote, and italics and bolds, and links).

originally published?

this blog post appeared on may 15, 2020 (as written at the bottom of the entire blog post), but this blog post itself is a repost of jericho’s brown’s post from April 2019 (in the first sentence of this blog post). i was confused at first lol.