Learning Taskwarrior, one dream at a time

I don’t like seeing blocked items on my next list, which is also my default command (so when I use task on its own). I saw the example for “Joshua” that included this gem:

  • Which is your default report?
    Task next, with customized filter and sort order: rc.report.next.filter=status:pending,+UNBLOCKED

Using rc.report.next.filter=status:pending,+UNBLOCKED however broke my report. That reaaaaaaaly bugged me. I couldn’t even from rc.report.next.filter anywhere!

Then I found example at Taskwarrior - Filters - Taskwarrior to see which filter is showing for a command. That’s when I noticed by default my next was filtered as such:

[maiki@yuzu ~]$ task show next

Config Variable                   Value                                                                                                                          
color.tag.next                    bold white                                                                                                                     
  Default value                   rgb440                                                                                                                         
report.next.columns               id,start.age,entry.age,depends,priority,project,tags,recur,scheduled.countdown,due.relative,until.remaining,description,urgency
report.next.description           Most urgent tasks
report.next.filter                status:pending +UNBLOCKED                                                                                                      
  Default value                   status:pending limit:page                                                                                                      
report.next.labels                ID,Active,Age,Deps,P,Project,Tag,Recur,S,Due,Until,Description,Urg
report.next.sort                  urgency-
urgency.user.tag.next.coefficient 15.0

Some of your .taskrc variables differ from the default values.
  These are highlighted in color above.

status:pending limit:page! Aha, no comma. Sheesh, I’m not even sure of what all these things are called exactly, but it doesn’t help when the first example on the Workflow Examples page doesn’t work…

As you can see from the above output, my override is:

report.next.filter=status:pending +UNBLOCKED

That gets what I want. :slight_smile: