May 10, 2019

Wait wait wait… there was more to it!

For instance, that morning I caught a glimpse of myself in the window of a shop I was passing…

Later, before lunch I was directed to a subterranean restroom for staff and adults (because no one really wants to go into a kids’ restroom, for like, any reaason; best case scenario: smells like hundreds of kids being potty-trained…), and came upon this delightful relic of all horror movies happening in a school.

Eventually I ran out of thoughts on the nature of dedicated boiler rooms, and basically stumbled into an Olympic event!

The class lined up to go to lunch, but I took a detour and caught an excellent list to research:

Our “therapy” session I mentioned earlier came after a mixed day. Kiddo needed to relax, explore, hear something aside from constant screaming. We don’t have many creeks around here, so I was happy e showed interest.

Clover jumped around, laughed, slipped and plunged! It was shocking…

…but ultimately didn’t sting as much as my laughing-in-the-out-loudness!

It was around this time I starting noticing how much of Oakland’s beauty is waiting for me to look up.

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