Bunches of us have overlapping interesting in text-based things, like BBS, MU*, ASCII art, shell communities, all that jazz. I don’t think of it as “retro” tech, because we still use it today, and it is remains useful. I thought it would be funny to just call it texting. Re-appropriate the term!
Do you see any themes or obvious names for such a category? It will be very BBS and MUD heavy, for sure. Probably tilde stuff, too. textnet? Hmmm.
That sounds good. I think re-appropriating the term could be useful. Once you have it setup, I’ll start my posting of BBSes in it to start out with. How does that sound?
I’m starting to develop those category about topics into mini guides, linking to other categories that are related. I’ll also add other resources as they appear (like a text mode jabber room!).