"a viable alternative"

you engaged in an activity in response to the post of the top poster which typically results in a brief dopamine hit, sent over a federated social network, imitating, possibly, the same features or antifeatures of a centralized surveillance capitalist platform, calling into question in some ways whether or not we have managed to truly break free from the antipatterns of those we imitate while claiming that we have built a viable alternative


i wish more web people would internalize conway’s law, and i also wish more leftists would internalize this, and really same thing with anyone else trying to create replicable communication structures.


Must have been an older version of forums, we had a deep discussion about Conway’s law. It is a mental model I return to a lot, and also why talkgroup looks a lot more like my brain than I care to admit.

A thing I always wanted to add, I guess an anecdote: show me the leader’s inbox, and I’ll draw you the org chart.

This is normally an ED in my case, so I’m not sure how high up it scales, but if the “leader” is accessible by everyone in the org, it likely holds true.

Slack as a poster child seems to have it’s ups and downs with the users, but there is definitely something to say about moving conversations into a group space, and allowing self-organizing that way. Just not sure if that happens, or is encouraged. Can we encourage that? Can we make good companies? :grimacing:

At companies (and often FOSS projects :’( ) slack communities won’t be nurtured or fostered or intentionally built and just end up replicating the communication structures of the orgs they support. Slack doesnt exactly provide community management as a service (at last not as far as I know)

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