Mike McAlister and the team at Array Themes have fully embraced Gutenberg and are one of the first shops on the scene with a free WordPress theme designed specifically to work with the new editor. The Atomic Blocks theme is now available on WordPress.org with minimal styling and seamless support for all core content and media blocks.
Okay, first of all, the theme is available in the public repo at Atomic Blocks – WordPress theme | WordPress.org and a hosted demo from the theme authors at https://preview.arraythemes.com/atomicblocks.
I wanted to check it out, since Gutenberg, and the way it creates blocks in the demo site isn’t horrible. A lot of classes on div
s, but better than I’ve seen on a lot of sites, especially with page builders involved.
The theme is promotional, to upsell the Atomic Blocks plugin, which will be sold in the future, but for now you trade in your email address to download it.
McAlister is keeping Atomic Blocks separate from Array Themes but plans to cross promote between the two.
McAlister is really into Gutenberg, having set up a news site for the new editor, though it isn’t not currently available over HTTPS.