February 2, 2019, 12:43am
During the Cold War, NATO and the Warsaw Pact both had large tank formations present in Europe.
The following gives the number of armoured formations and tank strength as of 1981/1982 for Warsaw Pact and NATO member countries. These include formations and vehicles deployed outside Europe, such as in North America or the Asiatic USSR.
Grand Total: 35,000+ Tanks
Total: 4000+ tanks
This is simultaneously a super interesting scenario, and terrifying in that it was real.
And yet, this fact:
NATO: Grand Total: 30,711+ Tanks
Warsaw Pact: Grand Total: 71,700+ Tanks
That’s a lot of tanks, and the NATO side wasn’t looking too good!
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wait that is a lot of tanks. like… a lot of tanks. where have all the young tanks gone? long time passing? where have all the young tanks gone? long time ago?
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February 2, 2019, 4:13am
Where it is dry and warm, all year round…