Daily... things

Wait until you see how it morphs into useful knowledge! For now, I’ve scooped all those posts and made a new topic; that will keep the noise isolated to those concerned, rather than signal notifications that daily was updated.

Each of those posts was something I wanted to follow up on. Many are links, ideas, short stories, anecdotes, and media that I didn’t include, because I can’t be bothered at the time.

Once I have all of those filled out (and during the process), I’ll invite folks I think find it interesting to comment on it. Then, in time, the discussion moves on. Then, in some future, I collate it, add it to the archive as a static document, and we have all these references for the future to provide more context if they need.

I’m making this note because this really big map I’ve been holding in my head is starting to make sense in a way I can explain. :slight_smile: CC0/PD, data portability, social documentation, it’s congealing now!