I’m trying to reconstruct my understanding of an event where vote-swapping websites went offline. Reading about it now the primary focus on 2000 were the US Electoral votes, and the ACLU is focused on the Court case to check Jones. (More details: Vote pairing - Wikipedia)
At the time, I recall reading and participating in a conversation about how to make DNS more resilient, because of a Court order to turn off two domains. But now I can’t find reference to such an event.
Not that I’m aware of. I think the people running the most prominent sites shut the sites down themselves after receiving a threatening letter. Looking for press about it, several articles such as Internet vote-swapping legal, court finds | Ars Technica don’t seem to mention DNS.
Tangentially, I was trying to not pay much attention, but also curious whether a similar initiatives would emerge this year, and didn’t notice any (and searching a bit, I don’t see anything). Seems to me this year would’ve been ripe for trading D president votes for R senate votes (there must be R voters on the margin who would have been on the fence about the president, but retain senate, who might be induced by I or D voters who want to be extra certain of getting rid of the president, at possible cost of senate), but figured vote swapping could not happen with current levels of polarization … however, given the outcome (D president, R senate) I guess some people did vote that way.