i’m listening to the compilation right now. since i looked at it a year ago, i have noticed that youtube has a feature that splits up the video. so i can mouse over the progress bar and see which episode i’m currently on.
i decided to reproduce the list of all overs of fly me to the moon from a youtube commenter, because of the metadata: who’s singing it, what kind of accompaniment, what style of music they adopted.
Time - Episode combination [0:00]
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTxRm9HD7lo&t=0s) Episode One ED- Normal / Claire
1:04 Episode Two ED- Normal (w/o strings) / Claire
2:09 Episode Three ED- Normal / Yoko Takahashi
3:13 Episode Four ED- Normal (w/o strings) / Yoko Takahashi
4:18 Episode Five ED- Rei #5
5:22 Episode Six ED- Rei #6
6:26 Episode Seven ED- 4 Beat / Yoko Takahashi
7:31 Episode Eight ED- Aya Bossa Techno
8:35 Episode Nine ED- Asuka Bossa Techno
9:40 Episode Ten ED- Asuka Main (w/ chorus) / Normal Orchestra
10:44 Episode Eleven ED- Rei, Asuka, Misato Version / Normal Orchestra
11:49 Episode Twelve ED- Misato Main (w/ chorus) / Normal Orchestra
12:53 Episode Thirteen ED- Yoko Takahashi Acid Bossa
13:57 Episode Fourteen ED- Rei Solo / Normal Orchestra
15:02 Episode Fifteen ED- Misato 4 Beat
16:06 Episode Sixteen ED- 3 Person Vocal interlude starts - towards the end / Normal Orchestra
17:11 Episode Seventeen ED- Aki Jungle
18:15 Episode Eighteen ED- B-4 Guitar - Piano
19:19 Episode Nineteen ED- 3 Person Vocal (singing in turns) Normal Orchestra
20:24 Episode Twenty ED- B-4 Piano
21:29 Episode Twenty-One ED- (Video Version) 4 Beat (off) (90 sec)
22:58 Episode Twenty-Two ED- (Video Version) Bossa Techno (off) (90 sec)
24:17 Episode Twenty-Three ED- (Video Version) Rei #23 (90 sec)
25:45 Episode Twenty-Four ED- (Video Version) Normal (off) (90 sec)
27:14 Episode Twenty-Five ED- Rei #25
28:18 Final Episode ED- Rei #26
it’s kinda funny to trawl through teh comments because you can watch different commenters build on each others’ work. the video description contains hyperlink timestamps and episode numbers, but no other information. another comment does not have clickable timestamps, but does include extra information with this at the end:
DVD Renewal ED (Volumes 01-07)- B-4 Piano (48 sec)
source: Fly Me to the Moon | Evangelion | Fandom
so the one i copied is clearly a combination
episode 8 is super jarring haha (bubblegum pop)
so this is really interesting to me to listen to all at once. i was or am a singer, and i’ve tried recording myself, and even for live performances, i’ve asked my singing-mates “can i sing it for you like 4 different ways and you tell me which way to sing it?” like in 1998, when i was in jazz choir in high school, i had a solo that i really loved performing and the last note was holding an F for a really long time. not a high F, just the F above middle C. the thing is, it’s right in my crack (between chest voice and head voice), and i couldn’t decide whether to hold it in my chest voice or head voice. i felt like doing it in chest voice was too strident, and doing it my head voice was too weak. it was a combination of emotional and physical. i remember asking my choirmates and my teacher to tell me which one to use and they kinda didn’t care and said they sounded similar to them. but they didn’t sound or feel similar to me! lol. i can’t even remember what i ended up choosing. i THINK it was head voice because it was the end of a longing song and i thought it would be better to leave it on a gentle/sad/longing note.
so yeah i can see how so many commenters have become obsessed with cataloging every minute difference between renditions, even renditions by the same person. some are saying “in X Y Z episodes, she’s singing it as herself, the voice actor. in A B C episodes, she’s singing it as Rei, the character”