Hugo 0.20 Released: Custom Output Formats!

Hugo 0.20 introduces the powerful and long sought after feature Custom Output Formats; Hugo isn’t just that “static HTML with an added RSS feed” anymore. Say hello to calendars, e-book formats, Google AMP, and JSON search indexes, to name a few.

This is actually pretty exciting for me personally, because I have a new project I am using Hugo for, and a lot of questions I had about customizing output are answered in this update!

Leaving that embed, because it is funny! This is a small regression fix for 0.20.

0.20.2: Release v0.20.2 · gohugoio/hugo · GitHub

Hugo 0.20.2 adds support for plain text partials included into HTML templates. This was a side-effect of the big new Custom Output Format feature in 0.20, and while the change was intentional and there was an ongoing discussion about fixing it in #3273, it did break some themes. There were valid workarounds for these themes, but we might as well get it right.

I’ve been looking at Hugo every ~6 months for awhile, it gets lots better each time. Maybe I’ll covert my blog over, and finally start blogging again. But the more exciting thing is static database-like sites, which Jekyll can do nicely with its collections, but is too slow for database-like sites with (I’m guessing) even single digit thousands of records.

I can’t speak to Jekyll (I honestly avoid running Ruby locally; yeah, I know we are using a Ruby app right now), but Hugo is fast as all hell.

I am working behind the scenes (hence no blog posts lately) to relaunch The plan is to change it up so it is my professional/portfolio site, and everything is going to, where I will process the posts and convert to Hugo for my new blog site. On said blog I will be explaining why I did it, and what I did, so I hope it will help with yours. :slight_smile:

I’ve kinda been active on their forums lately, very cool way to learn the project fast!

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