This is the first item on a list I made.
I chose my name. maiki interi was chosen for many reasons, half of which would fill this list. Suffice to say, I am happy with my chosen name, and it is always spelled lower case.
At the time maiki interi was my name, but not legally. I have Susan to thank for making that happen, since I was not really motivated enough to get the paperwork in order. Then it was a trip to the courthouse and $400 later, and I have that on my state-issued ID.
I chose to have a last name because as a web developer I’ve filled out my share of online forms, and it is a pain in the ass to deal with. I feel about 50% mononymous, but that sense decreases every day, now that I share my last name with another person.
Also, my child is partially named after a web domain.
I am planning on changing my name again, after medical bills are paid, we finally get a couch, and I have a little of savings to pad out my peace of mind. At this point it is mostly for vanity, but I have something so awesome, interesting and knowledgeable planned, it would be a shame to not go through with it.
Here’s a hint: have you noticed that the last letter of my romanized first name is the first letter of my romanized last name?