MACHOs and WIMPs… astrophysics is weird.
2 posts were split to a new topic: Doesn’t it make you feel better
The more I read the clones and divergent games folks base on D&D 4E, the more it seems like the action economy and encounter stuff makes a great automated system. As in, the math is easier than hitting something for 9999 points of damage and adding 15% to DPS. It hits that spot where it’s easier for a computer to handle while still understandable for a person wanting to optimize.
I wonder if our belief in the power of larger numbers comes from our social-herd leanings.
Religious conversion as spiritual warfare is fascinating. It comes with a built-in belief of “god as a group of people”. Our god eats your god.
Commentary on syncromysticism suggests folks looking to established Jungian archetypes rather than chaos magick’s “everything is arbitrary and can mean anything to anyone”. Established in the sense that once formed, a given arcgetype’s instance (Ganesh, Isis, Quetzalcoatl, et al.) is reinforced through belief, a form of redundant storage as empowered egregore. Folks seek out the “old gods”, sure they bring a lot of baggage, but they get results!
So that’s neat. I know it sounds like a whole lot of what the kids call, “hogwash”. But stick with me here, and let’s apply this only in a psychological + information model.
If we model our beliefs on how we feel about our groups, and our groups adopt those beliefs in the management of the group, thus reinforcing the beliefs, maybe we need to stop being a scared herd.
Maybe we need to be brave coral, or calm forest. We can decide we are our own god, together. Not separate, and not in conflict. Maybe the best way to eat another god is by becoming something different, and merging with it.
A second point, a bonus for those that got this far: you may think its all mumbo jumbo, but consider: how strange is it to see “coincidence” as something magical worth studying when so much of our reality, our very sense of self at a neurological level, is coincidental.
From whence we wince…
Were that this wince was a time wince!
DreamPrints. Quanta configuration, for planets.
I’m the most conservative person I know.
The piccolos of war!
2 posts were split to a new topic: Label shaming
On creatures said to be grudging
Pseudodoxia Epidemica
Thesis: the more fleshed out a setting is, the less interesting it becomes for gaming.
Also applies to sub-settings; there’s always a frontier where the unexpected can still happen.
Just saw a small kid on a playground walking around holding real fireworks. Just like… holding them.
So conflicted.
I am… exceptional.
I should write a foodie guide. It makes a sense.
Apophenia as spirit animal.
If you exist you have the right to your experiences.
We are all on damage mitigation now.
Ancient religious text is science fiction.