maiki scratches

My life is one proxy after another. At some point I’m more afraid of my system than what it protects me from.

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The world held its breath.

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Easy mode: engaged.

My thoughts about capitalism is bordering on religious.

“I’m not a practicing, I was just raised capitalist.”

The thoughts occur because whenever I hear people defend capitalism, it sounds like they are defending a system so complex it can’t be controlled by humans, but it is the only thing they know so they cling to it.


Systems so powerful we can’t possibly understand. Science, faith, magic.

Whenever a story has a prophecy of doom, which the hearing of causes the person to takes steps to prevent but actually start the events to self-fulfill, I think, “The lesson here is: don’t listen to prophecies! Those things are a 50/50 shot, and at the very least one could enjoy their life while their doom is being setup elsewhere, without their knowledge.”

If a person can’t be reasoned with, I won’t.

Which is great, except folks that persist often get great results. :weary:

A flurry of patents followed the metal flower frog popularity

Possible epitaph (verbatim, with punctuation):

Wildly autodidactic; first among amateurs?!

god is an archetype, a shadow form people need to deploy their abilities.

In this way one may experience “free will” while following the script of an enveloping system.



I would like to say anything.

That is what studying culture means to me.

2 posts were split to a new topic: wtf is wrong with reddits interface?!

Platforms seem to be a collection of standards and protocols that somehow become less than the sum of their parts.

I suspect it’s due to brain capacity. It’s easier to buy the same unit of entertainment every five years than to learn how a federated, redundant messaging system works.

Now would be a good time for grocery stores to make their inventory available via public data API.

Tell fantasies to break them.

Sometimes I’m like, “aw, no one will join talkgroup because I talk too much!”

But then I thought, "wow, I sure do have a lot to say! Glad I’m open about it and folks can join in if they want… I like that!’

Things we protect children from:

  • controlled substances
  • pornography
  • gambling
  • weapons
  • the web


Butcher, baker, candlestick maker… how do they fare during a pandemic?

We need people to operate at different layers of reality. That means we have to get along on faith and trust.
