This release (finally) brings minify configuration, a big thanks to @satotake for that contribution. See Configure Minify for details.
We have also extended the Page Build Options to allow fully navigable headless sections.
This release represents 17 contributions by 6 contributors to the main Hugo code base.@bep leads the Hugo development with a significant amount of contributions, but also a big shoutout to @evankanderson, @QuLogic, and @le0tan for their ongoing contributions.
And a big thanks to @digitalcraftsman and @onedrawingperday for their relentless work on keeping the themes site in pristine condition and to @davidsneighbour and @kaushalmodi for all the great work on the documentation site.
Many have also been busy writing and fixing the documentation in hugoDocs, which has received 3 contributions by 3 contributors .
Hugo now has:
- 42462+ stars
- 439+ contributors
- 300+ themes
- Some minify configuration adjustments 7204b354 @bep
- Add minify config 574c2959 @satotake #6750#6892
- Allow headless bundles to list pages via $page.Pages and $page.RegularPages 99958f90 @bep #7075
- Update to Go 1.14.1 and 1.13.9 1d91d8e1 @bep #7078
- Pass directory name to filters in LstatIfPossible in the same way as Readdir cc2a5d52 @evankanderson
- Update to goldmark 1.1.25. 52c159c4 @QuLogic
- Add workaround for regular CSS imports in SCSS 1a8af7d4 @bep #7059
- Add .RegularPagesRecursive 03b93bb9 @bep #6411
- Add data context to the key in ExecuteAsTemplate 18cb21ff @bep #7046
- Improve Tailwind/PostCSS error messages df298558 @bep #7041#7042
- Update Blackfriday b1106f87 @bep #7039
- Add languageDirection to language configuration 5914f91b @le0tan #6550