Chicken Scheme is the main scheme dialect ive been putzing around with. Its been a little bit annoying that it isn’t available in Mageia’s repos though. Which is a strange omission as it’s available in a lot of obscure other OSes. Im also pretty used to compiling it by hand when needed though, and unofficial Mageia prebuilt packages can be pulled down from the Open Suse Build Services. (Which is what I have been doing).
Though I recently juggled my partition scheme and after reinstalling the fact that no official packages exist slappened my brain again. It behooves me to correct this, and ive stumbled through one or two packaging attempts in other places before. So I should solve this problem for good.
Grok the official Mageia RPM packaging documentation.
Build personal packages for Chicken Scheme to the doc’s standards.
Inquire upstream with the Mageia community about making these official packages if their up to snuff.