plant log

New little baby herbs! Mint is a bit lonely but cilantro is growing so fast. They are cuuuuute.

Swedish ivy well recovered after being abandoned and left without water by previous tenant. I brought it inside to keep weight on the plant stand while I isolate my very sad prayer plant. It is non-toxic and has shockingly not been nibbled on much.

Resilient bromeliad has gotten so big, it looks almost silly over its little pot even though this is a quite big pot that I put over its smaller pot. It never bloomed like it was supposed to but has three big babies that I should start separating soon. All in spite of my questionable treatment and being chewed on, for which it did get revenge. I aspire to be like the bromeliad.

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I turned my sad prayer plant into a sad prayer plant collection. Maybe some of them will survive!

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the pots are all lovely! and the prayer plants don’t look that sad (unless they’re supposed to be very bushy or something. i don’t know what they’re supposed to look like). they’re very cute, too!

are you growing the herbs indoors?

my basil died pretty badly, but i had it outdoors and maybe it gets too cold at night. or maybe basil goes dormant in the winter.

i bought a new venus flytrap. Melissa the Hungry, Second of her Name. i was going to re-pot her, but i’m keeping her in the little plastic tube-with-a-lid she came in to protect her from CATS. i need to get like a little greenhouse or something. or more shelves

encinal nursery in alameda is pretty great!

Thanks! They’re from CB2 and I really love them. CB2 has fantastic pots and many are actually affordable, but they don’t have drainage so I’m using charcoal, clay balls, and/or just hoping for the best, except for the biggest bromeliad and prayer plant which have nursery pots.

The prayer plants don’t look sad now because I’ve been cutting and cutting all the dead pieces out… it used to be so much bigger and I kind of expect at least some of them to keep dying. I could never figure out what was wrong.

The herbs are indoors and they’re meant to be grown indoors. They’re supposed to get lots of light though which I don’t really have so idk how well they’ll do.

I want pics of Melissa II!

Here’s baby bromeliad and baby spider plant. I’m keeping them outside until something makes me feel they are safe from cats and cats are safe from them…

Here are some new baby jades. I will probably take these pots from them to use them for indoor plants at some point but I have run out of pots AGAIN. I threw away a bunch of additional jade babies. Indoor plants are hard though. I might end up moving my entire bromeliad and babies outside because it’s stressing me out trying to keep it away from cats. It seems that different types of bromeliads have slightly different zone requirements but are probably okay outside here.

And here’s the Judy spider plant monster because lol

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irises, aloes, scraggly rosemary, watering bucket, spider plants, discount pots from encinal nursery, dwarf sunflower, orange-peachy colored flowers

the dwarf sunflowers are trying… sort of. they must strive against the slugs and the spiders.

this is a little broccoli plant.

this hanging planter of assorted stuff is doing pretty well i think.

is the zebrina too cold outside? i dunno?

and i got a new baby air plant. i haven’t had one for over a year. let’s hope this one has a better life.

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i keep getting hanging planters because i love them. this cyclomen and ivy was on sale.

holiday mishmash: pumpkin with dense and super-fragrant rosemary bush cut to look like a tree (wreaths were sold out)

and some violets because look how cute they are. it was a “sorbet mix”

i potted the baby succulents! also pictured: a catnip that is less bushy than when i bought it, because the cats loved it immediately. i’m keeping it outside or on a shelf until it grows back some.

melissa II, top view. i’m keeping her in the plastic tube she came in to protect her from cats.

i liked this gingko tree.

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Wow!! So many plants!! I love the rosemary bush haha, I didn’t even realize that wasn’t a mini Christmas tree until I read

These are my newest plants

Birds nest fern

Parlor palm

Bamboo palm

Plus my cilantros are sad now because despite being up on a plant stand, they have been smashed by a tossed toy and also are being eaten faster than they grow :cry:

This morning when I got up, there was no more mint or cilantro. Barely even a trace. Just totally gone. I even planted some cilantro seeds outside and have all this grass available, and also feed the cats, obviously, but no. They are starving to death and have to eat all my poor little seedlings, which barely even grew due to lack of sun. Except the basil is apparently bad, but it doesn’t seem to be growing anyway. So this experiment has been a failure all around.

hahahaha tis better to have seedlinged? and lost? than never to have seedlinged at all?

the bigger plants look gorgeous! how are they doing? i bet they’re great for long-term air quality?

hahaha I guess so. it was fun. I learned some things.

I think the big plants are doing okay? As with everything, I don’t know what is imperfection vs. time to freak out. I was too chill about some spots on my lime tree and now it’s badly infected with a bunch of stuff. A couple leaves on the big indoor plants concern me but they are mostly fine and not chewed on. I need to find my bottle for misting and start misting them because you’re supposed to do that, and hopefully they’ll be fine?

Same with my blueberry, that it has a lot of spots and I’m not sure if I need to treat it or how much to trim! I’ve read a bunch of stuff about various types of infections and infestations and the advice is confusing and contradictory. I think about half the plants I’m caring for have some problems and I feel so on my own with it lol.

happy strawberry!

happy blueberry!

happy rose despite aphids!

recovering prayer plant after many months of dying!

Lots of plants have been growing a lot lately and it’s been really exciting! I’ve also been have some success in fighting various diseases, infestations, and other near death experiences, which has been really rewarding though I did not expect plant ownership to be so dramatic lol.

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these happy plants are really cute! congratulations! hehe

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Lime flowers! I didn’t even know this was a thing.

Future blueberries!

Strawberry. Right after I took this, some shameless asshole came along and took a couple giant chomps out of it right in front of me.

Blue mist starting to bloom.

@judytuna I think spider plant is starting to grow a lot!

Haha oh wow yeah compare spider plant to this post plant log - #24 by evergreen

so bug!

your plants are looking great! i love seeing the little new buds! there is hope or something