got computer back from repair. tuna melt. napping. reading “the next american revolution” by grace lee boggs. got it from eastwind books in berkeley yesterday.
Is that a meal log, or a state or being?
In other news, Clover and I hung at the gardens today. Even the bonsai for a bit.
meal log!
yay bonsai!
i have just taken a bath. it was my first time using a bath bomb. i really have to say, it’s completely worth it. i was skeptical because it smells soooOOooooOoo strong, and i didn’r know if i’d feel weird with colors and oils, but it was awesome, and now i feel truly wonderful. seriously it’s the best. it was a seashell-shaped bath bomb from Lush, gold with sparkles, and it smelled and felt really good. it helped me relax and i actually feel a lot better now. i highly recommend the experience lol.
If you notice a bright purse in recent photos, that is Clover’s golden sequin solar panel (of eye death +3). It is very shiny, and combined with mirrors and white walls, it is a portable day time party!
We finished the Empire Maze Tower maze book. This thing is amazing! So many mazes and things to find and interesting little stories that are completely inferred.
Notice those orange “magnifying glasses”. They are from the Busytown finding board game, and turned out to be perfect for tracking multiple items in this book, as well!
@judytuna I am so curious about Lush products. They all smell so strong but come well recommended. That bath bomb sounds so pretty and nice. Clover would love a mermaid bath. I have only used one bomb and it was sub-par. I remember scrubbing the tub afterwards longer than I was in it.