Retro/fringe OS communities as an oppurtunity for more ethical Webcraft

Just sticking this here: Goodbye, EdgeHTML

That last paragraph sparked a thought (emphasis mine):

If you care about what’s happening with online life today, take another look at Firefox. It’s radically better than it was 18 months ago — Firefox once again holds its own when it comes to speed and performance. Try Firefox as your default browser for a week and then decide. Making Firefox stronger won’t solve all the problems of online life — browsers are only one part of the equation. But if you find Firefox is a good product for you, then your use makes Firefox stronger. Your use helps web developers and businesses think beyond Chrome. And this helps Firefox and Mozilla make overall life on the internet better — more choice, more security options, more competition.

A useful endeavor for someone in my position (someone that organizes knowledge but doesn’t program desktop apps) may be figuring out what that equation is, and then making sure everyone knows what it is. Not just a checklist of things that we all agree on (“the power of open”, “freedom and privacy”, etc.), but do the work to deep dive into each of those components and document it somewhere. Because at this point I’ve forgotten more good ideas than I remember, so it is obviously very complicated.