it’s toy day, secular xmas in animal crossing!
toy day details and spoilers
Jingle the reindeer will give you a big sack to hold! While it is in your hands, you can talk to every villager and deliver a present from Santa. If you’re really good friends with someone they’ll give you a gift upon delivery.
This is separate from the gift exchange from yourself, which you have to do without the sack equipped (i did it after i finished Jingle’s quest)! To do that, wrap something (I used toys) and talk to your villagers. The only talk option will be to exchange toy day gifts. Because of Jingle’s quest, you might end up with two gifts from the same villager.
I am awash in toys but happy because I got color variants I didn’f have before!
If you need toys to give to villagers, or wrapping paper, or ornaments, hit me up! I’ve got loooottts of extra! And my nook’s cranny has rc helicopter in unlimited supply today if you need more toys to give away!