200 Ways to Raise a Girl's Self-Esteem

Chapter 1 is short, introductory. It goes over why self-esteem is a way to improve the lives and experience of girls, and how difficult it is to approach as a practical subject.

One paragraph in particular contained several points about how multi-dimensional the issue is (I’m typing it out, so errors are mine):

Healthy self-esteem is the result of being raised, loved, and mentored well. Therefore, everything we do as parents, teachers, and other significant adults in the lives of young girls—how we behave, what we say and how we say it, the quality and character of our interactions, the degree to which we stretch to create learning experiences for them, even the often unconscious attitudes we hold—will positively or negatively impact the shifting core of girls’ sense of their own self-esteem.

Okay, breath:cold_sweat:

The next paragraph lists what is not enough:

  • our love
  • being a powerful role model
  • the right words
  • our supportive actions

Instead, they need to live those experiences, to be a “valuable contributor to the whole”.

And then the rest of the chapter is a chapter-by-chapter summary, which I am kinda skipping. I mean, I glanced at them, to see if they were neat, and decided they were not. That’s a thing about me, I do like scaffolding, but I generally skip over chapter summaries unless I do not plan to read the whole book. Like, those are great chapters to read at a bookstore! Because then maybe you want that book? But I’m gonna read this one.

Promise! I’m not being lazy! Sheesh! I read whole chapters! All the time! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: