Sorry, I try not to type with my thumbs, been afk all day. I was gonna read this thread and act this evening. I need a non-mobile interface to bulk select posts, I think, and I can’t ever find the admin panel (which has the ownership thing).
I believe I’m the only one that can delete the category, and when last I had admin interface I didn’t know if you’d need to change the text. “Ownership” of the description posts are something I haven’t been concerned with.
This is my roundabout way of saying I am merely being inattentive. No head games or anything.
I am quick to enable others, and slow to make decisions. I wasn’t gonna declare and delete a category in less than a week of deliberation.
What this also teaches me is that I don’t really understand your moderation interface, and should be more cognizant of casually suggestion action.
So please work me a little linger while we figure this out.
I have a slight issue on my end: it always seems like I get feedback from @tim, @judytuna, or @trashHeap. I get affirmation from the others, either a or maybe jabber message.
It works, low stakes and all. But I’m trying to encourage transparency, inclusiveness, etc. Imagine a community that has issues, and what you’d do to change/prevent that from happening.
I’m afraid I’m messing up and noone will notice or care or tell me.
Another way of saying it is: I’m having a difficult time spiritually, carrying talkgroup. I want to share power, defensively, preemptively.
To do so I’d like to turn over admin/mod access to folks, particularly you three peeps.
You folks want to get a bit more serious here, and help me build a thing?