main conference website: i love their design!
free registration is available: Allied Media Conference 2020 Tickets | Eventbrite edit: the free tickets are sold out. i don’t know if they’ll release more free tickets.
i went the last time they had it, in 2018. it was their 20th AMC in a row. they’ve hosted it in detroit, michigan for all those 20 years. they decided to take a year off and declared 2019 to be their chrysalis year. when i went, i tabled for TWC and handed out a lot of zines. i attended the FemTech network gathering and got a lot out of it. i was excited that one of the other presenters mentioned Double Union’s CoC as an inspiration for their chicago-based hackerspace.
i am part of a small group of people who are presenting a session on Surveillance-Resistant Organizing at AMC2020. i’d like to invite you all to join us =) i’ll provide a link to our session when those appear on the website! we will cover security culture, accessibility, situating the reality of surveillance in history… and i’m gonna finish the zine i started in 2017 that is just an adaptation of ANTI-DOXING GUIDE FOR ACTIVISTS FACING ATTACKS (Updated 10/16/23) | by Equality Labs | Medium .
edit: the conference schedule went live today! here is our session: AMC2020: Surveillance-resistant organizing
Let’s plan some actions that are resistant surveillance and infiltration! We’ll have a short presentation on emergent strategy and security practices, but most of the time will be workshopping ideas.
i am excited about many of the other topics!