Adding links/URLs are fine. We can share that info, even if we don’t “hyperlink” it; the state of the web dictates this now
How do we decide which websites to include?
Let’s think specifically about handhelds: which links do we want to collect? Code repos? Firmware? Leading blogs? Forums? Reddit?
For people (if I ever get to it), I decided to have “homepage”, meaning the place they’d prefer folks find them, or start their search. Could we move forward with that, see how it looks on different things?
Eventually we’ll get into things that have FTP or gopher URLs, as well…
I should note, regardless of what we call it, I plan to do random wayback machine submissions based on URL fields in data. For example, each time the site builds, submit 5 random homempages to the archive.
In that way we can make our own backups, as soon as something is data’d.
Still not manufactured yet. Prototypes are in circulation though. Development was running late and then hit the brick wall of Covid-19. Crowdfunding page has updates on progress. I’m optimistically thinking they might still make it by december this year, if not a hair sooner.