After looking / watching this: Farlands – Systemic Crafting of Evil Islands so many elements I’ve been struggling with regarding game design for a space game I want to make (struggling for YEARS) finally all clicked, and I wrote things down as fast as I could.
LoveSpace DX
- ship hulls are comprised of room containers and device containers.
- engineer can label containers
- power conduits to containers can be increased with work + materials
- device containers = shields, weapons, scanners, tractor beams, etc.
- room containers can be converted to device containers if on outside of hull, or appropriate spot.
- room containers are for crew quarters, storage, power room, security station, engineering, astrophysics, shuttlebay, rec room, 10 forward, brig, etc
- bridge is only thing not customizable
- devices are built from blueprint + components.
- beam weapon = beam emitter, power battery, power modulator, others.
- components are a matrix of sizes and types
- other than some very bare bone requirements, components can be heavily modified. Think transphasic modulation component that could enable a beam weapon to bypass shields entirely.
- engineer could decide to have lots of extra batteries, so fire could last longer, better beam emitter so it can handle more power, all sorts of modification components to alter behavior.
- general modification component engineer could make, that then does X modification.
- power modulators can only handle so much throughput.
- modification components could be swappable between components. general things like range boost, power boost, recharge boost, efficiency boost
- finding a derelict ship w/a pulse weapon… maybe it was ineffective but you can deconstruct to get the pulse emitter out of it (and the blueprint if engineering skill good enough), slap it in a weapon container, etc.
component types
- Beam emitter
- pulse emitter
- shield emitter
- scanner
- navigation system
- Propulsion
- power modulator
- power source (battery/capacitor)
- cooling
- Efficiency enhance
- distance enhance
- power enhance
- speed enhance
- geographic
- stellar
- technological
- life support
- transporter buffer
- tractor beam
- missile launcher
- powered plating distribution
- power converters (for tech types that rely on certain power sources, Lexicorp shield emitters)
component attributes (some do not all apply to all component types)
- size (a device container can hold X units of components to make the thing up.)
- do you want 2 smaller power modulators (1 Unit each) in device for redundancy, or build/buy one that is 2 Unit in size, that is more efficient and apparently more reliable, BUT if it goes out, your device ceases to work until repaired.