Faerie Rings (ssb)

In the Scuttlebutt community, people have formed Faerie Rings to support each other in their work on Scuttlebutt. I really like their writeup of how they formed.



That’s really neat.

I kept wondering how I could use this, so read up about https://www.microsolidarity.cc/

In late 2018, Richard D. Bartlett published a proposal to start a “microsolidarity” community in Western Europe — a small group of people supporting each other to do more meaningful work.

Reader reactions prompted him to start this website, to collect resources for the co-development of multiple such communities.

A fractal view of belonging

Definition of terms

The proposal introduces some specific use of language:

Microsolidarity is a set of practices for mutual support between peers. These methods bring us out of individualism and into a more relational way of being.

Most of this support happens in a Crew : a small group up to about 8 people growing trust in each other through emotional & economic reciprocity. Crews are always designed for intimacy, and may also produce an output (e.g. a software product or an activist campaign).

The Congregation is a space for Crews to co-develop in the company of other Crews. Congregations have less than a few hundred people, so they can be primarily governed through trust and dialogue.

Many Congregations could form an Assembly .

For more context on these definitions, read the original proposal .

About this site

This website is a resource for people practicing microsolidarity. You’ll find methods for cultivating Crews, and discussions about the proposal. If you have anything to add, please contribute :slight_smile:

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