Talking to our online learning department today, about some customizations I built for them in our ITSM tool. Wanting to know when they want to get training on how to use it; if they need any more tweaks; what is there go live, etc.
Going to my local college tomorrow to see if I can enroll. I already have a degree in computer programming, but I wanted to get another degree that I feel is more “me”. I like to write, so to me, I want to do technical writing. I think I could do software documentation. I like how the FreeBSD Handbook and OpenBSD’s manpages are written, so I would like a job writing stuff like that, or just “Howtos” concerning software.
Also today I’m going to call some volunteer places since I felt tired yesterday after I walked on the treadmill for an hour. I need more energy!
Does your institution offer a technical writing degree? Or are you in a more general writing or journalism program? There seems to be a lot of possible education paths for getting into technical writing. Its crossed both my mind and my Fiance’s mind a time or two. (He from the writery angle, me from the technical angle.)
Our water is turned off from 10am to 3pm today. This happens so often, I’m gonna track it in a separate thread.
Nope, it doesn’t offer a degree in technical writing. So I’m thinking of getting an English one, but in order to do that, in order to make it easier on myself, what I plan to do is get all English transfer credits in my old college, and then transfer to a new one where it will be faster to get a degree in English since my old college doesn’t offer a degree program in English.
the pairing exercise (for which i frantically put together some starting code yesterday) went really well today! it’s a “string calculator” tdd exercise and we had everyone ping-pong pair, where one person writes a test and the other writes the minimum amount of functionality to make it pass.
structured time blocking is also working really well. got everyone’s OOP projects (a RestaurantRecommender system that will eventually show yelp-like ratings) up and running with 1. OOP-style js, using js classes; 2. a tiny bit of html and a tiny bit of jQuery to let you interact with aforementioned js classes a bit; 3. jasmine tests!
it’s a lot to squeeze in to one week but we significantly descoped the project so everyone would get through all 3 of the above things but just with one bit of functionality, like addRestaurant
. i do wish for people to keep building on it in the future. on to APIs next week!!!
Finally watched Hidden Figures. Feel really good about the world, because we are making movies documenting where we’ve been, and where we’re going.