I hadn’t looked into this very much, but it turns out that only admins can turn a post into a wiki. At current volume I would like to not add any admins (because before I do that I want documented guidelines for everyone, especially folks with power). So in the meantime, if you’d like a post to be turned into a wiki, please flag it and leave that as the note. I will get to it that day, most likely. When I start getting lax in that, I will add more moderators.
One weird thing, although it makes sense… When you update a page, it doesn’t alter the timestamp of when the thread was last modified. So, even though I’ve started to alter the first post in our scribe.works post, it’s still saying it was last modified 1d ago.
Welp, if we want a proper wiki, we have that option, of course. But this ought to suffice for what we are doing, which probably doesn’t need too much auditing.
@tim, one quirk with talkgroup is an obvious caching issue, which I’ve never tracked down as all it does is slow down conversations. So! That could be the thing you were seeing… four years ago.
I also think that is no longer true. I think some user tiers can, and it is also set per category.