Busy making food stuffs for family.
Double batch of sugar free chocolate delight, with extra low carb crust and homemade zero carb whip cream.
Spinach Dip w/ Whole Wheat Triscuitt
Vegetarian Sausage & Pimento Cheese Balls.
Busy making food stuffs for family.
Double batch of sugar free chocolate delight, with extra low carb crust and homemade zero carb whip cream.
Spinach Dip w/ Whole Wheat Triscuitt
Vegetarian Sausage & Pimento Cheese Balls.
Good thing you shared a pic, cause your description sounds vividly bland.
We are going to listen to the Oakland Municipal Band play at the bandstand near Lake Merritt and Fairyland. Oaklanders, join us!
Listening to “Amazing Grace”, written by a slave ship captain, first appearing in print in the US in 1835 part of a collection called “Southern Harmonies”.
what a spread!!! hope you had a fun day!
i cut down all the bamboo and blackberry brambles blocking my window and letting bugs get in. i hope it makes a difference. the green of the bamboo was really pretty, and the sun screened through the fronds was really nice, but i’m sick of the buildup of dead plants and bugs right on my window.
then i went to sleep.
now i can hear tons of fireworks. lucycat isn’t bothered but smolzcat is.