I ordered a Galaxy Tab S6 Lite, as my Google Pixel XL is nearly non-functional.
Interesting fact: I ordered the Tab exactly two years after the Pixel XL (Dec 28). So, that shows how long those are made to last…
I turned it on, saw the “folders” for Samsung, Google and Microsoft apps (meaning each had at least multiple apps, but in total I think it is something like 30 apps already installed. Including Spotify, Netflix, and YT Music.
Here’s the only thing I’m going to say about this at this moment: if you are the kind of person that wants those things installed on a new device, you deserve what you get, but you should aim higher; you are a human mind in an entropic universe, why let them treat you this way?
Linux: Extract the Heimdall suite zip and take note of the new directory containing heimdall. Now copy heimdall into a directory in $PATH, a common one on most distros will be /usr/local/bin. For example cp heimdall /usr/local/bin. You can verify Heimdall is functioning by opening a Terminal and running heimdall version.
Dur, I needed a recovery file, which is also downloaded, and also checks out: 4359e9fa80ee4587c7d0a3a640a05558b6569e945a0ba498e36ffaa9fd0c97a9 lineage-17.1-20210106-recovery-gta4xlwifi.img
Hmmm, turns out adb from the Fedora repo may not have been up-to-date to work on this device.
I followed the instructions from Using ADB and fastboot | LineageOS Wiki and downloaded the tools directly from Google, and moved the adb binary to my local bin and it is sideloading now.