maiki scratches

mana’archists: believe mana should be universally accessible.


One day all these conversations will be distilled into public domain documents, compiled, printed and assigned an ISBN, just to show how easy it is to make authors of all your friends.


Attach brains in jars to soil in buckets.

The lost of perception at speed.

Motorism, fast life.

1 Like

I’m 80% opposite of Stephen Wolfram.

Polynesian Speed Gospel

Positivity bias as spiritual practice.

Jeff, the god of biscuits.

To help others, I have to help myself. When I am safe, I can extend that to others.

Cake, the show, sounds pretty awesome.

Although cake the cake sounds good, too.

Ixa’takan ships look awesome!

Last metadata expiration check: 0:39:49 ago on Tue 30 Apr 2019 07:06:17 AM PDT.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.

Notified of an update, I ran dnf, and got that output. I wish other parts of my life went like that…

Atmospheres are planets’ way of blowing objects off course. Irritating space junk, always crashing into them.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Nonviolence and slavery

Do Chicago Cubs grow up to be Chicago Bears?

Final Fantasy games generally suffer from being too awesome of stories. You can’t even scratch one in an elevator. Nice problem to have…

Stable of mascot characters, ala Sanrio, except for two major differences:

  1. They all personify weird aspects, like depression, or listening to one song too much, and
  2. From the get go they become self-aware, and overcome their struggles to coordinate with the others a possible escape from their cruel, hypercommercialized destiny!

I am from a place where it does not snow.

A class divided.