If someone stokes the flames of something, we all see it. War, hate, greed.
Is that the finger or the moon? Can we ever address the embers directly?
If someone stokes the flames of something, we all see it. War, hate, greed.
Is that the finger or the moon? Can we ever address the embers directly?
I use apps called “Clocks” all over the place. They keep me on track, an example of free software helping me get stuff done, which reduces my use of a computer. Such mundane miracles.
The business end of a web form.
2 posts were split to a new topic: What does a strategic retreat look like?
Fried Greek cheese, Japanese curry, perfect medly of steak cut and curly fries.
Rites, rituals, and routines.
That bittersweet feeling when Google Search Console starts spamming you the domain you are watching suddenly has all these “viewing experience” issues. Ha! I was better at your game than you are!
Jerome doesn’t know the way to her juicy parts.
“Crime travel.”
That weird concentric circle mental model of relationships and personal growth I, um, think.
2 posts were split to a new topic: :checkbox: TODO: Make a habit of routine, meta trutles all the way down
Howard Rheingold is my Ayn Rand.
Examples of lotteries that are not destructive.
2 posts were split to a new topic: A more lyrical ring to it
Helpers International
3 posts were split to a new topic: Spells and tales
I have the real life attribute: shows up where unexpected.
There’s a scene in Legion where someone guides another in turning down the volume of the voices they hear. That is the closest thing I have to explain cannabis use.