More people will ride in self-driving cars in 2017. Here’s what they can expect.

Everyone — from auto executives to regulators — has said that transportation will change more in the next five years than it has in the last 50.

I am primarily concerned about pedestrian and cyclist safety (well, after efficiencies that drop pollution levels, but that is tangential to the portion of driving AI this is concerned about).

Being disruptive is one thing, and I definitely want car culture to change, but I can’t help but think there is a lot of money invested in keeping the status quo. How does having an oil tycoon as Secretary of State play into this?

Presumably not good, but I guess the primary obstacle to safety is local killer object owners, not anything federal. Cities could make themselves safe. I have to again promote Street Rivals: 100 years later we have another opportunity to take the streets back for pedestrians, or hand them over to killer objects.

Relatedly, I recently decided to join because I think they might be effective in reaching relatively conservative types that generally default to being pro-killer. Slow the Cars is their most relevant campaign.

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Cool, you’ll have to blog about them after being a member for a while. I’d follow them, but they don’t appear to have a feed (Squarespace), and their podcast unfortunately looks very boring to me. If you think they are (potentially) effective, I may approach them with my services, considering my background with transportation non-profits. :slight_smile:

Yeah squarespace ick. I don’t know how I found, but

Their podcast is a bit hokey. I can’t really recommend it to anyone I know, but to those with taste I fail to appreciate, I recommend it strongly.