My network hardware broke, during a rainy pandemic eve, and now I’m working the issue during the holidays. I’ll be offline a lot. I miss ya’ll. (XMPP for some reason works really well on low-bandwidth connections!)
My network hardware broke, during a rainy pandemic eve, and now I’m working the issue during the holidays. I’ll be offline a lot. I miss ya’ll. (XMPP for some reason works really well on low-bandwidth connections!)
i tapped the heart, but i don’t love “this”! i’m sending love!
Hey, we are “back”! I factory reset the equipment, and it reactivated to the network.
Gonna keep this topic as a log, to measure my connection over time. Also, ordered backup device, because prudence and also now I have a walking around wifi point.
Backup WiFi spot arrived today. Will set it up this week.