Pi-hole®: A black hole for Internet advertisements


from https://twitter.com/ndw/status/1115232748812345351?s=21

how many pis are on their network? what are the others doing?

@tim is a pi-fiend. On so many levels.

I might look into this. I do weird stuff at many levels (hosts file, browser plugins, robot servants) to not deal with ads, but others on my network will have no such luck. Tim, you had a go at it? :slight_smile:

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that is … amazing!

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I have not, but it’s on my list! First thing I need to do is assemble my tiny Pi rack first.

Thank you! That is from… 12 years ago. (yikes). Fun fact, I get more email from that project than anything else I’ve done. I get like a couple a year.

I was really hoping to see… something inside when I made it. I was hoping I could maybe see a pattern that wasn’t obvious when viewing numerically… but there isn’t one I could see. :confused: