Read stuff by Murray Bookchin

Murray Bookchin is the founder of the anti-capitalist school of thought called Communalism & Social-Ecology. It seems very froody to me on the surface. I need to take a deeper dive on it though.

Relevant to: The Life Raft - talkgroup

Completion goals: Read atleast two books front to back on the subject and have a semi-accurate high level understanding of these philosophies.

This would be easier if one were a friend of AK Press. :slight_smile:

Thinking it might be prudent to support them for a year and stock up on brain juice. :thinking:

@trashHeap, which two books do you have in mind?

I started the Ecology or Catastrophe at some point last year, but didn’t finish it. I’d like to finish it, probably sshould restart from the beginning now.

My understanding is also that The Murray Bookchin Reader Is the recommending starting point for his philosophies.