'Town Fridge', Oakland's free-food refrigerator, sees overwhelming support


i am utterly captivated by this

i want omni commons to set one up and sudomesh can attach a lil magnet sensor and track number of opens, temperature, weight and put that info on the mesh … also led lights that you can control if you’re on pon

also i am useless lol

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It turns out friends of friends have a Town Fridge on their property! I am going to try to get Fruit Jesus’ business partner Christopher to deliver fruit to it! Maybe I will deliver something to it!

Hey @susan if you ever feel like donating bread or muffins or whatever to to the project, I will pick it up from you and leave it in the free fridge in front of their house! And/or wherever else there are free fridges! Some people make entire burritos and leave them there for folks to take!

I am excited about mutual aid! You can tell because every sentence ends in an exclamation mark!