What are useful online maps we should make?

We’ve been discussing different mapping ideas offline, so here is a place to capture ideas.

I wanted to experiment at different scales. For instance, I’d like to map something for the city of Oakland, showing all kinds of neat things about the city, useful to walking around. But I’d also like to make a photomap of the Gardens at Lake Merritt, a photo of each flower, showing where it’s at.

And I think we should make these, because Google shouldn’t have all the fun. We also have a general quest. :slight_smile:

Food in Oakland. Grocery stores, community gardens, that sorta thing. Also, easy tie in to show directory of orgs working in food justice in Oakland.

I’m sure this data exists in lots of forms all over the place. I doubt it is ever presented in a way I find dignified, so there’s still a project here.

Interested in doing weird visual stuff, like putting transparent circles to show visual concentration of map points. Ask and answer questions about food deserts.

The OMCA has a terrific video series and exhibit highlighting the folks, programs and outcomes in Oakland, so there’s a start.

I know it is a bit on the nose, but show where each school for children is compared to billboards. I see them surrounding schools in Oakland, and for the last year have been primarily showing OKCupid “DTF” ads, or for Monopoly (game) themed lottery tickets.

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eateries that have things for different dietary restrictions.

really egregious potholes. cracks in the street that freak me out no matter how many times i drive over them, like the one in the middle of the lane on macarthur at piedmont.

construction sites of luxury condos.

pharmacies that carry methylated b12 and folate.

campaign contributions lol

self-reported sightings of political signs

graffiti and stickers we like

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A rock solid GF map would be amazing.


places to stargaze.

tiny waterfalls. hikes. good views.


Which buildings are managed by which companies. My property management company is horrible, they harass us and I am preparing a case against them, and we ought to all do this, with knowledge.



weird-looking or cute houses

houses they want you to buy for $1 and move away

parking spots near parks

potential mesh node mount spots

mosiac art and paintings on trash cans and roundabouts and road signs

Dur, let’s make the mapping app Nintendo teased us with… Notes for strangers!

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local pharmacies that carry things we need.

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The prices of rental units, over time. Each node on the map should have the rent history.


This is something that I think places like Zillow actually heavily focus on? Online rental services seem to be the few places aggregating rental data over time with mapping functionality.

But anyway I think making this data widely available is a very good thing; I haven’t investigated in detail how available/what restrictions rental price over time data has from places like Zillow.

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Wind tunnels.

Grand from Broadway towards the lake: wind tunnel. Wear layers, bring a kite, etc.

Use cute wind icons!