Okay, here goes a lot of feedback. 
First thing: this should probably be between 6 and 30 videos. You have an opinionated budgeting app, but the app itself isn’t very difficult to understand. Rather, the budgeting is the difficult part. If I were marketing this, I would start with a (long) series of small blog posts explaining these tiny concepts, and getting feedback on them, so you can elaborate as needed, and figure out the way to explain it that resonates with folks.
For instance, you are showing an open source, self-hosted and responsive web app, but really you are pointing out that even when a person budgets for the month, our brains are not wired to account for money moving between categories, or how credit affects the bottom line. And because we can’t hold that in mind, we will overspend or give up budgeting completely. That is the real value of Nickelpinch.
Quick aside: I said aloud that you had made a video for Nicklepinch and someone heard it as “nipple pinch”. So, ya know, there is that. 
Second thing about the video, you have other windows and tabs open, one of which has an article referencing the current political happenings; you probably don’t want to send that out. But each of those topics you cover in this video can seriously use their own smaller video, so I’d just go with that.
Third, if you want a pitch video, make it pitch, not instructional. Or, show an interaction that demonstrates how useful the software is to use, not the difficulty in setting it up or editing categories; the reason is that all those things will be setup more or less at the beginning and will rarely be changed. While it is important to change them easily, changing settings shouldn’t be a highlight of the software, it should speak for itself, or to put it another way: decisions, not options.
I know that is my bias speaking, but I am personally turned off from videos trying to explain how obvious the software is, because it should be. However, it could be compared to something else, and that might be a selling point.
And one last thing: self-hosted and open source! Your pitch should go over why that is important, and how it works. Also, you should have an INSTALL
file in your repo. 
Okay, that is feedback for the video. I have some general feedback for the app itself, but I’d like to open actual issues for those, so I’ll find my way to your tool of choice for that.
Thanks for being vulnerable and taking the steps to share your creation with the world. It looks really solid, and I actually like the content on the website describing the project and why it exists. I will help out where I can!