@maiki thanks a lot for all this feedback, it is invaluable to me.
I totally agree, I’m starting to jot down my post ideas
That is amazing.
Definitely. This was a first pass for just this feedback purpose. I really like the idea of those smaller videos.
Yeah, that’s a good point. And as to the decision, not options, I agree. I’ve actually cut out a lot of options I had in there originally, because they didn’t really add value, and were unnecessary. There are some other things, like the position of the categories, I really just need to handle via JS dragging and reordering the list, not having the user enter an integer value of the position.
That is annoying to me too. I didn’t even realize I had done it.
My near-term goals are to write some INSTALL docs, prune the homepage a little, since there is flat out incorrect information in some of the sections. Then start on some blog posts!
The repo is currently on github; but I’m not sure if I want it there forever. I really like gitlab, though I’m worried about link permanence. Maybe that doesn’t matter. I should think on this.
Thanks again, this feedback is really, really helpful. I feel like I am finally moving forward on this, down a good path.