So here’s the deal: send me masks! I will give them out to everyone I can, and nearly everyone I know needs one. And if everyone I know has one, I will walk down the street to hand them out.
Send masks to:
2323 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94612
They need to be N95 (or better, but no idea how those costs). Normally I’d boycott Amazon, but they sell them in 10 packs for ~$20; search for 3M 8511HB1-C-PS Sanding and Fiberglass Valved Respirator, 10-Pack. Any amount, from anywhere, is appreciated!
I’m having trouble finding anyone who will guarantee shipment of them to California in a timely fashion. Amazon and most of their resellers are saying they can’t garuntee delivery until December 11th for me as of this morning.
I’ve seen similar shit happen with hurricanes on my coast. Where online retailer’s algorythms will automatically dial down shipping garuntees as their warehouses’s get hit by the sudden influx of hits from the disaster. Would be nice if they used these algorythms for good, and had the mprioritize the needed supplies to you, over the rest of the countries shipping rates instead.
I just put an order in to you through Home Depot for a few boxes. Their claiming deliver by early next week, which was the best I could find. Im hoping that wasn’t a lie.
Thank you so much! They will all get used, I’m sure.
I am a bit worried, we weren’t really prepared for this. Trying to stay hopeful, but I’m not sure this isn’t going to get worse moving forward. Every year we seem to have smokier and smokier air…
Quick update, we have masks coming in from a bunch of places, in truly internet fashion! Folks have ordered them from all kinds of locations, including Home Depot, Lowes, and Amazon. Some folks are bringing them to Oakland on return trips! I’ve had about 10 people message me saying they are sending masks, and I can’t wait to receive them and get them to the people.
I’ll make another post soon for folks in Oakland, but in the meantime, if you need a mask let me know: Let’s try to get everyone a mask!
Yesterday I gave out 17 masks, today 30! I have ten left from today’s delivery, I am taking a rest from the outside, but will take them to some outdoor folks I know.