Taking a break from normal work, and instead gonna put together a site to help my brain function. I've been developing an internal taxonomy for what my personal desires are, but even though I initially called them buckets, I don't want to have a site called my "bucket list", so I am going with channels, instead.
The basic concept is that I have an feeds (ideas, cultural artifacts [like movies and music, or the written word], trends, conversations, etc.), an inbox (my brain), and various outputs (blog posts, servers, networks, games, worlds, commentary, podcasts, tasks, archives, tucked away text files, etc.). Also, some of those outputs become feeds immediately.
This conceptual model is not unlike how I read aggregated feeds on the web, where I collect and then process them. Right now I use a tablet for this, where I pull in feeds, either read them or save them for later, and then put aside a dedicated time to figure out what I want to do with them, such as sharing, responding, or documenting somewhere.
The concept of a bucket comes from how I parse worlds, which I break down into component parts and then reassemble into other worlds. This is the basis of my paracosm. The bucket part is that to talk about a world I feel I need a high-level overview of it, but the building blocks alone don't give me enough to go on. So each potential world is a bucket, and when it gets filled, I can look inside and see what it is. Not sure which came first, but at this point in my life, my process for world-building and my process for problem-solving are neatly merged (which is why I encourage people to role-play, since it is an activity made of various helpful skills).
Anyhow, the project for this weekend is to build a prototype website that helps me organize these channels. I plan to use WordPress + Pods to build related items, so I can output useful views to both see what I've done, but also to check off a list and say, "hey, this thing is deconstructed and documented, I can let it go and think about something else."
Hypermetawebcrafting. ^_^