March 7, 2019 (take 2)

no i mean… i meant to post that yesterday. D:

i wanted to post a different daily today that also says: i’m still sick, and there are just as many flying ants inside as there were all week. also i just made ramen and i see yotsuba’s massively angry face telling me “it’s unhealthy”

We just move posts around, and everything is timestamped, so future historians: we tried, Judy kept fighting us, but we tried. :slight_smile:

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That got weird! Still sorry to future historians! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Protect the timeline at all costs!

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30 peeps gathered for an announcement.

@susan made chana masala from spices!

Clover saved up grandparent monies and ordered a controller today!

The grey one, with N64 colors. :slight_smile:

Awww, Clover is making a note to save up $60 to buy me the N30 Arcade Stick! Maybe one day we’ll game in style!

I’m looking forward to C playing games, since I told em e could play so many games when e learned to read. We are gonna start with Slime Ranch and practice mouse and keyboard use. Then with the controller we will have Poi, possibly C’s favorite game, as well as Stardew Valley.

With a controller I’m sure we’re gonna be using #gaming a lot more. :slight_smile:

i am the timeline destroyer! :shamrock: of shame can have many uses!

that seems like an important assembly. i like how respectful the taller animals are–they’re standing in the back so shorter animals can see.

wow, awesome controller!!! i love stardew valley!! what’s Poi? is it this? looks adorable! are you using steam…?

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Yes, it is a very cute 3D platformer, Clover loves it.

Yep. I couldn’t discount the, um, 900 games I have in Steam. Like, I don’t intend to give Valve money. And I don’t encourage folks to use it. But I do have access to a ton of culture, a lot of which may be lost if I don’t look at it and note what’s interesting.

It’s a give and take, stop and go situation. Also, I wanted to play TF2 and L4D2 with @tim. Judy, you are on there, we are friends, we technically can play those together as well.

See, this is it! TF2, fun, free game. But only on Steam! So if we talk about it, are we inviting folks to Steam? I don’t want that. Blah!

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“survival pending revolution” now has a corallary: co-op gaming pending abolition of copyright

doesn’t quite have the same ring

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I think my best bet is roleplaying here. Then I just produce the words, easy-peasy.