For solidarity with Susan, I’ve decided to stop drinking alcohol. It is an easy choice to make. I enjoy drinking by myself, and that becomes a slight problem, since I have an incredible tolerance, and will often finish a bottle of wine or sake, or a all the beers, by myself. I don’t get drunk, but it isn’t helping my health, obviously. I am not swearing it off, but I won’t buy it, either. So anyone who wants to buy me a drink, don’t worry, I will comply.
The other thing is caffeine. Susan doesn’t drink a lot of caffeine, despite her wanton desire to bath in coffee. However, to be safe we are trying to cut-back on her daily mug of morning tea. There are actually a lot of interesting things going on with different teas, such as green tea canceling out folic acid, which is used to prevent birth defects early on.
I plan on talking about this in another post, but the asymmetry of responsibility between the pregnant person and their partners is fascinating and confusing. So I try to rise to the challenge and not tempt Susan with silly things like taking my morning breakfast tea baths in front of her.
Seriously, though, I wanted to try to match her and cut back my caffeinated tea intake as well. I’ve more or less stopped completely, since we got this very decent non-caffeinated tea. I still put in sugar for the first mug of the day, but the rest of the time I am just drinking it because I love tea, and also to trick my brain into thinking it is getting what it wants.
That is the tricky part, of course. My brain, if nothing else, is good at adapting, so I am not sure how long I can keep it going. I’ve been sleeping more and more, each cycle, but I haven’t gotten to that point where I feel really rested when I wake up. I end up napping throughout the day, and at any given moment I could just go to sleep. I am not sure if everyone does this, if everyone is holding back a flood of weariness through liquid stimulants.
For the last 26 hours or so I’ve been getting the headaches, and my plan is to drink lots of water and sleep as much as possible.
Hopefully, after I acclimate to not drinking alcohol and caffeine. I can enjoy them as treats instead of as part of a daily ritual. I don’t want to burn out like so many hyper-thinkers, so maybe I can adopt a life-style like so many wise people who seemingly live forever.