and now we’ve finished the series! i feel heartbroken and happy and sad all at the same time.
what an epic show
GODS the final scenes were TORTURE to watch. i thought each one was the last and then the screen would come back up and i’d be like AAUUUGHHH MORE TORTURE WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO TO US NOOOOWWWW
the starbuck poof! i feel wrenched. i mean it was obvious she was going to leave him when the camera lingered on lee too long and lee was talking at her facing away from her, but i thought we’d come back to her back as she walked away, not literally nothing. auuughhhhhhh it’s wrenching. i can’t believe they waited until the LAST EPISODE to show their first meeting, underscoring everything they did through the series, all the longing, all the regret, all the tragedy, all the laughter, all the challenge, all the “but they’re right there all i have to do is reach out and…” … this is some seriously next level starcrossed-lovers shit right here.
i’ve never seen a show go so far out on the “you don’t end up with who you want to end up with. you get whatever’s left” limb before. chief yelling about how he actually loved boomer and only married cally cuz she was there and she smells like boiled cabbage… kara and lee…
ok so kara is an angel. her poof is not what i want, but somehow i feel all right with it. i guess it’s the perfection of something unattainable.
SPACEPARENTS! I LOVE OUR SPACEPARENTS!!! is the implication that bill goes off to die alone, because, as he said, he can’t live without her? lee says “i understand, dad” but i don’t understand! i loved that laura gets a front-row seat to the first and last epic nature documentary her people will ever see… that was incredibly sweet. i guess we are supposed to not know what bill does. maybe he builds the cabin and makes a garden and feeds himself somehow and dies of old age. or maybe he shoots himself, because his monologue (to laura, who he’s just buried) goes “i built it. you should see the easterly light it gets in the mornings.” so i’m so scared he just dies right there. or maybe gets in his viper and flies into the sun with the rest of the fleet. OH GODS IT’S SO GODSDAMN SAD
i can’t believe idealistic/cynical duality lee talks the entire people of the twelve colonies into not building a city and losing all that technology.
i think it’s awesome and hilarious that the best parts of humanity that they passed down to us was astrology. lolololol. and the greek gods. i’ve already read some AU fanfic that had them speaking in greek to us.
i was SHOCKED at anders becoming a hybrid in the previous episode, haha. even though all these clues were there.
thinking back through the series… i was shocked at the “all along the watchtowers” reveal. i don’t know the song that well but i’ve definitely heard it, and i recognized the line “said the joker to the thief” when colonel tigh said it.
and then in the piano episode just two episodes and a lifetime ago, i was UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY SHOCKED when kara’s father’s song turned out to be the Final Four theme played under bsg’s “all along the watchtowers.” it was SO GOOD. i feel like i should not have been surprised, lol, but i was. the moment it all came together and her ghost-father-apparition banged the keys and out came those first repeated three chords… IT WAS GLORIOUS
it’s been a real treat reading bear’s blog right after watching the episodes.
my only critique of the music stuff is “lol orientalism much” SIIIIGHHHH everything is problematic. like hiring white people to play japanese instruments lol. nothing is perfect. bsg is a product of its time.
i think bsg is epic, grand, brilliant, heartbreaking, dramatic, and right up my alley. i’m really glad i’ve watched it.
now to watch the whole thing again with director’s commentary on =D =D =D