Gamestop Unleashed

I just got an automated call from Gamestop concerning my pre-order for Star Wars: Force Unleashed. It will be available at midnight on Monday. They called me to tell me I can get there as early as 10PM to process my order so I can leave at midnight. Well, they said to get there for two hours of fun, but I don’t see paying for a game taking that long, nor do I think that is much fun.

I might go to get the game if I can get someone else to go with me. I can probably bribe Susan with Jupiter, which is across the street. I am not excited about the game enough to go to a midnight showing release, but I am curious as to the types who go to these things. And there is that cute girl who works there…

I will take photos. :slight_smile:

Well I work at 4am, so I’ll be up, if you want to go :slight_smile:

Groovy! We should DS it up! Mario Party! :slight_smile: