Phabricator is cumbersome

Continuing the discussion from Taiga: Agile/Project FOSS:

What is, exactly? I have a hard time articulating what I don’t like about Phabricator, and I am always hesitant to recommend it to others. I know it is for software dev, but I find it useful in other contexts, which may be because I think in software dev.

What would you change?

I think it’s because of my use case. What use it for is the Wordboards, but when I log in I need to:

Projects > click my project > see workboard

It’s too many clicks to get in there. Rather, the initial log in page feels useless to me.

I looked at the site some more, and I had forgotten there is a command line tool, so I might play with that some to see if that redeems it for me.

Taiga looks rad, but the stack to self host is a little intense, so if I can get Phabricator to a place that works for me, that’d be cool. :smile:

You can customize the front page, and create different dashboards. For instance, I create one with only my tasks, and with certain filters, that work well for me. I checked and I don’t think there is a way to show the workboards in a dashboard, but I believe you can add arbitrary links to the sidebar nav.

I don’t have any experience with that, and I don’t use the git hosting in Phab, though I do sometimes mirror repos, so I can trigger reactions in the task manager. Arcane or whatever it is called is great for doing code diffs and merge reviews, so I’ve heard. :slight_smile:

I am having the problem of trying to use Phabricator and Trello at the same time. Phabricator makes working with others really easy. Trello makes project management, personal and collaborative, really easy (I fracking love the Android app, and now I am filtering mail and forwarding it to a scratchpad board so I can avoid checking mail and seeing unimportant stuff).

Conpherences is the chat app in Phabricator, and they jokingly, but admittedly, explain that Slack is better, and it really is. And it probably always will be, because Slack is a chat app, and Phabricator is so much more, and not really focused on this kind of communication.

But when I think of moving any of the teams I work with off of Phabricator it all falls apart. How do you assign something to another person? How does it easily interact with a single email address? How do you store large files with permissions? Passphrase vault? Mirror code repos? Phabricator has a lot going for it, and that comes with the trade-offs.

I am just commenting here, because in my journey towards being an effective collaborator, I am looking for tools, even closed and proprietary ones, that are the most useful to the most people. I have hopes for Phabricator.

@tim, have you see the new issue boards in GitLab? I got excited about them, and they are as good as I wanted!

I noticed from a screenshot that Phabricator has developed their boards more, but I think that the kind of work I do is more individual than a group effort, so having a robust bug tracking feature is less important than seeing what I have to do next and signing off on it. GitLab is becoming my go to tool for that.

Also, their blog post on the issue board goes over this ten step plan for development I found interesting.

Oh wow, that is pretty great. I need to get us to upgrade our version here at DH so I can check it out.

It does seem to be what I want.