The reason I copy stuff to talkgroup (a log)

I have a post from the old blog, dated December 29, 2008.

Here is the code for the post content:

<a href=""><img alt="" src="" class="alignnone" width="508" height="375" /></a>

I think this comic is really funny. However, the reason I am posting it is because more so than that I vow to attempt to keep abreast of social movements and ideas, to keep my judgments to myself unless they are helpful, and support folks of all ages by keeping in mind that reality is for experience.

Anyone else on the same page as me?

Oh, and check out Kate Beaton's site. <a href="">Now</a>.

Don’t visit that site, it doesn’t belong to that author now.

And I don’t know what the image was. I didn’t explain it well enough, and I can’t find the image.

Anyone else on the same page as me?


I believe it was a comic of Thoreau and eir relation, on either side of holding cell bars, both proclaiming embarrassment over the other’s choice to remain on their side.

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Sure, why not, this is a now a log of reasons I copy stuff.

Changes to tokenless access for User Picture and FB/IG OEmbed endpoints: By October 24, 2020, developers must leverage a user, app, or client token when querying Graph API for user profile pictures via UID, FB OEmbeds and IG OEmbeds. Developers should provide a user or app token when querying for profile pictures via a UID or ASID, though client tokens are supported as well. Please visit our changelog for User Picture, Facebook OEmbed and Instagram OEmbed for details on how to start calling these Graph API endpoints today.

Facebook for Developers blog

I said this 10 years ago; linking is awesome, but the practical affect is we link to distinct resources on a server operate by someone. Every attempt to “host all the things” or “no server required” is a trap to fuck you over on a timescale that you can’t grok, but companies count upon.

I didn’t learn these lessons from the last decade (though plenty of lessons/flags happening); this is a basic concept of herd manipulation, and is seen time and again in history.

Anyhow, don’t use remote “embeds”. Just copy the image, or use software that does it for you. Discourse has an option, and WordPress has at least one plugin (Archivarix External Images Importer – WordPress plugin |

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