walker data structure

I had a bunch of pieces fall into place last night.

I call this mechanism the “walker”. A MU* game, sans any rules or other mechanism, is at it’s core a “talker”. I’m building a web interface to “walk” around places.

The notes are scattered, will fill out in time:

  • “rooms” are non-public nodes, any attribute needed
  • “doors” can have their own effects, which write to the log
    • A portal spell logs: “disappeared in a swirling vortex”
    • Doors can lead to instances, such as allowing new passages during a quest
    • Doors can allow for non-bi-directional movement, such as one-way passage, misdirection (mazes), or criteria-based passage
  • A room can have an implicit connection to other rooms, or a door connects them
  • A room renders all the links, both from itself and any “doors” present; ex:
    • room-120 to room-121: East is a bubbling brook
    • room-120 to room-122: North a great tower can be seen
    • room-120 to door-quest-15: The hedge here seems to have a small overgrown passage…
    • room-120 to door-summon-stone-UUID: Holding the glowing gem will port you home…
  • Player feedback is given through a log of actions, so each door or room transition has it’s own generic or specific log messages
    • Areas are essentially tagged rooms, so weather might make all travel “sloshy”, “muddy”, or “wet”.
    • Doors can be templated and customized, allowing for player-specific story-telling

Note: this uses a graph rather than coordinate system. So the tools to build the rooms and doors reference likely links based on “areas”/tags.